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‘Ten-minute’ tips to get those blog ideas

By July 3, 2011February 17th, 2015No Comments

“Where do you get those ideas for your blog posts?” Of late, we’ve had many people ask us this question. So we thought we should do a post on this.

We call it a list of ‘ten-minute’ tips. Just spend ten minutes doing these things everyday and you’ll find the ideas falling in place more easily.

  • Scan your social networks. What are your friends talking on FB – travel, food, family? Watch the walls and you’ll find some cues to turn into your next post. If you have a travel blog, you can interview someone who visited an exotic destination. A tweet could guide you to the next music album to review for your music blog. But remember to spend ten minutes on your social connect channels, thinking blog.
  • Stop by at your peers’ and competitors’ sites. No, we aren’t advocating you copy them. Just glance at what they are saying. Helps broaden horizons and discover more possibilities. And you can tuck away the ideas you like here at the back of your head for inspiration. Of course, do acknowledge any thoughts, ideas or content you may borrow from them.
  • Soak at the ‘info’ bars. Informative websites – online dictionaries, the online avatars of History and Discovery channels, news sites – often have interesting nuggets that could spur your next post. For instance, if you read that on this day in history Maradona scored his ‘hand of God’ goal, you can talk of ethics in sports and link it to business lessons for your corporate blog. There’s a lot of input out there; you just need to learn to join the dots.

If ten minutes a day for each of these seems difficult, try working with half hour slots. You could give yourself half an hour each day to do one of these things. You’ll soon see you have a broader canvas to paint on, and more to talk about on your blog space.

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